Award Guidelines
UCBMUN will follow Best Delegate’s most recent system for allocating points for awards:
Best Delegate - 5
Outstanding Delegate - 4
Honorable Mention - 3
Verbal Commendation - 2
Double delegations will receive points for both delegates.
Individual Delegate Awards
Crisis committees, General Assemblies, and Specialized Bodies will weigh performance in-room and out-of-room (crisis notes and lobbying) equally in determining individual delegate awards. UCBMUN will also consider the substance of resolutions and directives when determining awards.
UCBMUN’s Delegation Awards are:
Best Large Delegation, Best Small Delegation, Outstanding Large Delegation, and Outstanding Small Delegation.
Small delegations are delegations between six and twelve delegates, while large delegations are thirteen or more delegates.
Questions about award guidelines can be directed to or