On Reporting an Issue or Providing Feedback
UCBMUN XXIX offers delegates multiple ways to report an issue or provide feedback:
To offer feedback on conference logistics or committees, delegates can either talk to their Chair and Crisis Director, reach out to their Under-Secretary-General (USG), or fill out our anonymous conference feedback form. Delegates will also have the opportunity to share feedback during our scheduled Head Delegate Feedback events after committee or during their formal USG feedback sessions during committee.
To report artificial intelligence or prewriting, please communicate with your USG, Chair, or Crisis Director.
To report inappropriate delegate behavior or a diversity, equity, and inclusion issue, please fill out our anonymous DEI form or talk with either your Chair, Crisis Director, or USG. Only the Director- and Secretary-General can see your DEI form responses.
On Points of Contact
If you have any questions regarding your committee, please communicate with your Chair, Crisis Director, or USG.
For questions regarding conference logistics, our Chiefs of Staff are available at the Office of Delegate Services at the InterContinental Fifth Floor Foyer. Delegates are also welcome to call our UCBMUN Hotline to be directed to an available member of Secretariat at (415)-375-0327. All Head Delegates and Advisors will also have access to a Slack channel where they can directly contact the Chiefs of Staff, Director-General, or Secretary-General.
If you would rather talk to a third party outside of UCBMUN, our partners at Berkeley PATH to Care offer a 24/7 Care Line for delegates. The Care Line is a 24/7, confidential, free, campus-based resource for urgent support around sexual assault, sexual harassment, interpersonal violence, stalking, and invasion of sexual privacy. The Care Line will connect you with a confidential advocate for trauma-informed crisis support including: time-sensitive information, securing urgent safety resources, and accompaniment to medical care or reporting. Call our 24/7 Care Line at 510-643-2005.
On Inappropriate Delegate or Staffer Behavior
UCBMUN policy makes it expressly clear that we have a zero-tolerance policy for any harassment; as an international conference of over 40 schools, we want to stress the importance of respecting all of our delegates. Conflicts between your in-committee delegations or countries must be kept out of any out-of-room discourse. All in-room discourse on such conflicts must remain cordial and respectful. All language used in committee should be appropriate and respectful. Should delegate or staffer behavior make you feel uncomfortable, please reach out to us through one of our various reporting options outlined above.
UCBMUN Secretariat deals with reports of inappropriate behavior on a case-by-case basis. Some actions may follow a one-strike policy, where delegates are notified once about behavioral concerns. A second violation opens grounds for disqualification. Other reports may cause immediate disqualification from awards, prohibition from attending socials, or removal from conference entirely. Head Delegates and Advisors will be notified in the event of a strike or other disciplinary action.
On Prewriting and Artificial Intelligence
Careful research, planning, and preparation are all important aspects of participating in any UCBMUN committee. However, excessive preparation without the input of other delegates (AKA “prewriting”) confers some delegates with unfair advantages prior to committee, and is counter to the conference’s spirit of diplomacy. As such, UCBMUN XXIX considers prewriting a form of cheating that can result in disqualification from awards consideration.
The following is an inexhaustive list of examples that are considered prewriting:
A crisis delegate who copy-and-pastes premade notepad content into their Slack channel
A delegate who copy-and-pastes premade clause content directly into a working paper or resolution
A delegate who names specific prewritten clauses for a working paper during the first night of conference
The following examples are not considered prewriting:
Using bullet-pointed or rough notes as an aid when delivering a speech or working on a paper/resolution
Bringing an annotated background guide to committee as a reference tool
In a similar vein, UCBMUN XXIX strictly prohibits the use of artificial intelligence during committee for its unfair effects on committee equity and creativity.
UCBMUN XXIX has a one-strike policy for prewriting and artificial intelligence; should we confirm that a delegate has engaged in either activity, a single warning will be given to them and their head delegate. Further violations of this policy open grounds for disqualification from awards consideration.
On Technology in Committee
UCBMUN committees will require the use of technology in committee. Delegates should bring internet-compatible devices that are fully charged to develop their arcs on Slack (for Crisis committees) or to write working papers and draft resolutions (for General Assemblies and Specialized Bodies).
The Dais has the authority to prohibit the use of technology during committee sessions. As such, delegates should not expect constant access to their online resources. Delegates intending to use their rough notes throughout the committee should handwrite or print them.
On Banned Topics
UCBMUN XXIX will implement the following restrictions to maintain a respectful and cordial environment in committee:
Arcs involving genocide, mass internment, human trafficking, the intentional spread of infectious disease, or the exploitation of minorities are strictly prohibited. Speeches, resolutions, working papers, and directives involving the promotion of these topics are also prohibited.
Arcs involving the promotion of drug addiction are prohibited. Arcs involving drugs in other contexts are permitted insofar as they maintain a non-exploitative nature.
Any content that promotes real-world misinformation is expressly prohibited. Note that this is not a ban on misinformation arcs; this is a ban on arcs that attempt to deny any real-world events or facts such as genocides and exoduses.
Fantasy content will be taken on a case-by-case basis within the committee — content, however, should have some basis in reality.
Anything else that is deemed reasonably inappropriate, insensitive, or offensive will not be a part of proceedings.
If you have questions about your content, please reach out to us before the conference or during proceedings.