Ad–Hoc General Assembly of the Director–General

About the Committee

The Ad–Hoc General Assembly of the Director–General is a premier committee of high–caliber debate at UCBMUN XXIX. The committee's topic itself will remain hidden and will be announced shortly before the conference begins!

Note: This is a double-delegate committee.

Meet the Dais

Paloma Corona


Hi! My name is Paloma Corona (she/her) and I am beyond excited to be one of your chairs for this GAd-Hoc committee! I am currently a third-year student majoring in Molecular Cell Biology and Cognitive Science.

Originally from Mexico, I was born in Boston and have lived in multiple countries throughout my life, including the US, Croatia, Poland, Peru, South Africa, and Mexico. I joined MUN in middle school because it allowed me to engage in discussions on global issues while collaborating with others in a dynamic setting. Over the years, I have participated as both a delegate and a chair, particularly in General Assembly committees, where I’ve honed my diplomatic and strategic-thinking skills. I love the fast-paced negotiations and teamwork required in these large-scale committees, and we hope to implement something similar in this committee—challenging you with something that will push you to think outside the box. Joining UCBMUN has been a highlight of my college experience, as I’ve had the pleasure to meet the most incredible people from the club and circuit! Outside of MUN, I work at the UCSF Oakland Hospital, write for a medical journal on campus, and train our club members for upcoming conferences. In my free time, I enjoy binge watching TV shows -especially comedy shows-, running/hiking, and getting coffee with friends.

This committee will test your ability to adapt to extreme circumstances, think creatively, and collaborate to develop plausible solutions. Drishti and I have been working hard to craft an experience that will truly challenge and excite you—you won’t see what’s coming! I encourage you to come open-minded, passionate, and ready to debate.

Looking forward to meeting all of you and having an amazing committee!

Paloma Corona
Chair, Ad–Hoc General Assembly of the Director–General

Drishti Gupta


I’m Drishti (she/her), one of your chairs this weekend for what’s to be the BEST GAd-Hoc ever :) I’m so excited to meet all of you and see how you deal with the twists and turns that are bound to be present in this committee.

A little more about me: I’m a fourth year Data Science major at Cal and I’ve been in UCBMUN since my freshman year. Currently, I serve as the General Assembly Head Delegate for our club, something that I thoroughly enjoy doing in my free time. This is also my fourth time staffing this conference, and third time chairing. I vice-chaired the SAd-Hoc in 2022, was chief of staff external in 2023, chaired Lok Sabha (spec) last conference, and can’t wait to bring Laia and my GAd-Hoc brainchild to life. On the circuit I compete only in GAs, and love the collaborative aspect the activity brings to the table. I’ve met a bunch of amazing people in my three years competing, and am so excited to end my MUN career with this committee :)

I was born in India but moved to the Bay Area when I was 2, and have been here ever since. If you’re looking for recs on what to do in your free time at this conference, I’m definitely your person to ask. In my free time I love adding onto my Lego collection, building jigsaw puzzles, trying out new recipes, and watching cricket. I also love discovering new TV shows and have recently started watching The Crown and Baby Reindeer (highly recommend but kinda morbid).

This committee will definitely be a committee of all time, and can’t wait to see the unique ideas you all come up with and see the reactions to what Laia and I have in store. We encourage you to treat this like any other GA, but be creative with your solutions. There will be a lot of room to collaborate, so please make sure to have tons of fun! I’m thrilled to be chairing this committee as my last committee, and am looking forward to meeting all of you and bonding with you. See you very soon and hope you’re ready for it!

Drishti Gupta
Chair, Ad–Hoc General Assembly of the Director–General