Source: Le Brun, Charles. (1673). Alexander and Porus. The Louvre, Paris, France.

Alexander the Not-So-Great: The Macedonian Invasion of India, 327 BCE

Background Guide coming soon!

Shortly after becoming king of the mighty Macedonian Empire at age 20, Alexander the Great set out to conquer the Achaemenid Perisan Empire. He launched a series of military campaigns, taking over territories such as Asia Minor and Egypt before finally overthrowing Darius III, the last Achaemenid king. Wanting to continue spreading Hellenistic influence, Alexander continued eastward with his sights set on India.

The year is 327 BCE, and India must prepare to counter Alexander’s impending invasion or risk losing critical territory, resources, and power. However, India is far from unified, instead splintered into several smaller states that often clash with one another.

As a war cabinet composed of representatives from each of these conflicting Indian states, you must develop effective military strategy to counter Alexander the Great’s seasoned military tactics or risk India becoming another conquested land. This entails developing clever battle plans, leveraging the region’s unique resources, and adapting to the rapidly changing nature of war. Will you overcome your political infighting and come together to fight a common enemy? Or will you succumb to internal divisions and prioritize personal power over the greater good? Tread carefully- the future of India is at risk.

Sam Wang


Hi! My name is Sam Wang (he/him), and I am from Claremont, California (where the Claremont Colleges are!) I’m currently a sophomore at UC Berkeley studying computer science. Outside of academics, I do Model UN where I’ve loved competing, traveling, and sharing memorable moments with friends. I also write for my university’s newspaper, play violin, and volunteer with Rotary International. History was one of my favorite subjects as a kid (I even did a creative project on Ancient Greece), so I’m very excited to chair the committee on the Macedonian Invasion of India. I can’t wait to hear your ideas and solutions, and watch you all reenact and reinvent history.

Sam Wang
Chair, Alexander the Not-So-Great: The Macedonian Invasion of India, 327 BCE

Maanas Shah

Crisis Director

Hey everyone! My name is Maanas Shah and I'm a 3rd year studying Physics and Computer Science, from Pleasanton, California! I've been doing mun for 10 years now, and so I'm thrilled to be your CD for an action-packed 4 days at UCBMUN.

Despite being primarily focused on the maths and sciences when it comes to my academic journey, the study of war and diplomacy has always fascinated me and ultimately is what brought me to MUN in the first place. I hope that I'll be able to bring this interest to your backroom and weave some exciting tales about the subject! I believe Alexander's Invasion of India is a great setting to explore the interplay between conquest, alliances, nation-building, and so much more, all while being a rather underutilized setting in my opinion.

Another huge passion of mine is board games and game design, especially strategy games about warfare, so keep your eyes peeled for some crazy mechanics and ROP in this committee!

I'm eager to see you all in committee, and I hope you're ready for the tales that await you and your fellow delegates in the backroom!

Maanas Shah
Crisis Director, Alexander the Not-So-Great: The Macedonian Invasion of India, 327 BCE