De-Nile is a river in Egypt: United Nations Security Council

Note: this committee will begin as a crisis committee and then transition to a General Assembly committee on Saturday. It will be a double delegate committee. The year is 2012. The Nile River, once the cradle of Ancient Egyptian civilization, is in decline. Environmental degradation, climate change, and over-construction of dams has reduced the river to a mere trickle. Despite being an economic artery supporting the lives of millions of people from great African cities such as Khartoum and Cairo, the Nile has become a ticking geopolitical time bomb. As a major conflict brews on the greatest river in the world, how shall the UNSC navigate such times of uncertainty?

Nishita Belur


Delegates, welcome to UCBMUN and the Bay Area! My name is Nishita Belur (she/her) and I'm so excited to be one of your chairs for the United Nations Security Council. I am a junior from the Bay studying Neurobiology and Public Health, and I have been on the UCBMUN travel team since Fall of my freshman year. Throughout these years, I have staffed conferences, competed on both coasts, and had a (short-lived) tenure as Head Delegate. Outside of MUN, I research substance abuse in both clinical and wet-lab settings at UCSF, I coach high school parliamentary debate, and I volunteer at Berkeley's historic People's Park. In my free time, I read fantasy books, binge food shows, and raise my plant children. This committee's topic of Nile River Basin Water Politics is one of the public health sector's most prevalent issues today. Water plays such an important role in childhood development, disease dynamics, and food production, and as a Public Health major, I am incredibly excited to see how you all balance water politics with the nuances of clean water health policy. We expect a strong understanding of African politics and meaningful debates on the various political, economic, health, and environmental policies necessary to address such a complex situation. I am so excited to meet all of you and I hope you all have a great conference!

Nishita Belur
Chair, De-Nile is a river in Egypt: United Nations Security Council

Stephen Saw

Crisis Director

Greetings delegates! My name is Stephen (he/him), and I am honored to serve as your CD for UCBMUN XXVIII's UNSC committee! Having joined UCBMUN as a freshman and served as head delegate, I am more than excited to return for a final conference in the Best Coast. As a senior in political science, I am deeply interested in the intersection of environmental crises with security issues in the modern era; the Nile River's decline serves as a prime example of this uniquely 21st century issue. Nishita and I are eager to see how the pivotal UNSC ensures global security in the face of worsening climate change; issues that I'm sure you all will contend with in your future (or now) as we become the next generation of leaders and problem-solvers. Outside of MUN, you can find me trying to climb random walls, making Japanese curry as spicy as humanly possible, or gambling my life savings on mahjong.

Stephen Saw
Crisis Director, De-Nile is a river in Egypt: United Nations Security Council