JCC–Brainz over Brawn: The Siege of San Francisco, Zombies
This committee is one half of the JCC.
BRAINZ! (Translation: Greetings, delegates! It has been 2 months since a viral pathogen has spread across the planet, one that turns the infected into our kind--glorious zombies! Many nations have fallen; even The United States of America is in the midst of a ruthless civil war, spurred on by the chaos and destruction brought forth by our destruction. The United Nations and NATO have officially declared war on the zombies, and are trying to remove us while the World Health Organization researches a cure to the zombie pathogen.)
BRAINZZ! (The State of California has broken away from the United States, and has formed a new nation: The Civic Republic of California, or CRC. The stubborn Californian leadership is holed up in San Francisco, desparately attempting to garner UN support before our unstoppable leadership, takes over! We must act fast, however; the US Federal Government's Scorched-Earth approach to stamp us out threatens both San Franciscans and Zombies alike.)
BRAINZZZ! (Can your zombie characters help the horde invade San Francisco--the last bastion of California's defenses--before the merciless U.S. army cuts them down? Only you can decide; whether you're an undead actor, shambling scientist, or brain-hungry brigadier, it'll take all of our zombified blood, sweat, and tears to claim the city by the Bay as ours.)
Note: Both Brainz over Brawn Committees are Joint Crisis Committees (JCCs). JCCs operate as normal crisis committees, but actions made in one committee will directly affect updates in the other!

Josephine Yasuda
ChairGreetings Delegates! My excitement is palpable as I have the honour of serving as your chair for our upcoming JCC. Our JCC is like no other due to the fact that this is an entirely dead (undead?) committee - an imagined crisis of zombies taking over the vibrant city of San Francisco!
That being said, I am currently a senior student majoring in political science and a native of Tokyo, Japan. The idea of the undead, walking among us in a metropolitan setting may be terrifying for some, but for us, it is an opportunity to explore a completely different set of challenges and solutions without the constraints of having to stay alive.
I eagerly look forward to the debates and discussions we will have, the strategies we will devise, and how you all grow as an undead community. Our collective wisdom (or lack thereof) will help us navigate perhaps one of the most challenging crisis in the history of ModelUN . If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me!
Best,Josephine Yasuda
Chair, JCC–Brainz over Brawn: The Siege of San Francisco, Zombies

Claire Sawyer
Coordinating Crisis Director
Hi, I'm Claire and I'll be your CCD for JCC! I recently graduated early in Interdisciplinary Studies but am coming back to staff UCBMUN one last time after spending the Summer and Fall living in Fiji and doing research. I am from Sacramento, CA and I am super excited to staff for you all! SF has always had a special place in my heart, so I am super excited to see the creative arcs you guys come up with in order to save it from (and secretly aid in) its destruction!
Claire Sawyer
Coordinating Crisis Director, JCC–Brainz over Brawn: The Siege of San Francisco

Milad Brown
Crisis DirectorGreetings, fellow undead enthusiasts! I'm Milad Brown, your Crisis Director for the JCC Zombies committee at UCBMUN XXIX. As a junior at UC Berkeley majoring in Computer Science, I've traded my love for brains (the intellectual kind) for a passion for brain-eating zombies. San Mateo, CA, my hometown, can get kind of boring, so I've always had a knack for the extraordinary – like that time I attempted to brew a zombie potion. Spoiler alert: I'm still among the living... or am I?
When I'm not busy being a code monkey or practicing holding my breath, you can find me playing Plants vs. Zombies. Yes, I was – and proudly still am – a PVZ kid at heart.
What excites me most about this committee? The absolutely bonkers antics we zombies will get up to, of course! Get ready for a wild ride filled with unexpected twists, turns, and perhaps a limb or two falling off. So grab your favorite brain-flavored snack, and let's make this the most memorable (or should I say, 'brainful') UCBMUN yet!
Best,Milad Brown
Crisis Director, JCC–Brainz over Brawn: The Siege of San Francisco, Zombies