Adinath Lane


Adi (he/him/his) is a third-year at Cal majoring in Molecular and Cell Biology as well as Public Health! Adi entered UCBMUN in his freshman year having never participated in Model United Nations. He’s so glad that he joined—the community has some of the most talented, friendly, and creative individuals he has ever met. Adi has loved staffing prior UCBMUNs as a USG and ACD (Go Goa!); born in Delhi but raised in the Bay as a multiracial child, he appreciates how MUN committees capture the collaboration and communication necessary when people with very different perspectives interact. Outside of MUN, you’ll find him listening to his Dad Rock and Bollywood playlists, taking power naps in the sun, and walking through Berkeley’s dinosaur exhibits. Your Secretary-General is incredibly excited for a fantastic UCBMUN XXIX, and can't wait to see you then!

Olivia Lapinsky


Olivia (she/her/hers) is a third-year at UC Berkeley originally from Seattle, Washington studying Political Economy and Public Policy. As a high school Mock Trial kid, she developed a love for debate and civic discourse that drew her to UCBMUN during the spring of her freshman year. Since then, she has competed, staffed both UCBMUN and the club's high school conference, and most recently served as Chief of Staff Generalized for UCBMUN XXVIII. She has met some of her best friends in UCBMUN and truly appreciates the incredible people in the organization. In her free time, you can find her baking, watching murder mystery movies, completing her daily rotation of NYT mini games, and annoying her friends with her Taylor Swift obsession. She is so excited to be your Director-General and is confident that UCBMUN XXIX will be the best yet!

Christina Mueller


Christina (she/her/hers) is a third-year at Cal, majoring in Political Science and minoring in Public Policy and Gender & Women’s Studies. Christina joined UCBMUN as soon as she came to Berkeley, in Fall 2022, and has loved it ever since. She joined primarily as a competitive delegate but found a sincere love in balancing both conference and competition having served as a Chair for the past two iterations of UCBMUN. This organization has allowed Christina to find a community of incredible and hardworking individuals, and she is endlessly grateful for the organization and every person she has had the opportunity to meet through MUN. In her free time, you can find her sitting on the Glade, curating her Spotify playlist, and spending time with friends. She is super excited to see what is in store for this year’s UCBMUN and knows it will be the best one yet!

Laia Malburet-Breuil


Laia (she/her) is a political science and media studies major entering her fourth and last year at Cal. She joined UCBMUN her very first semester and has found her closest friends in the organization. She has staffed the past three iterations of UCBMUN, and also acted as the Secretary-General of our high school conference, BearMUN 2023. She is delighted to be staffing Ad-Hoc GA for the second time this year! In addition to staffing, Laia also enjoys competing in committees of all kinds on the circuit. In her free time, she loves to go out with friends, read, and fulfill her challenge of studying at every library on campus!

Cate Menotti

Chief of Staff, Generalized

Cate (she/her/hers) is a freshman at UC Berkeley from Albany, California (just north of Berkeley!) studying Political Science and Data Science. Although the past year was her first year ever in MUN, she joined after years in high school participating in Youth & Government, which sparked her interest in the club. Outside of UCBMUN, you might find Cate exploring the Bay Area and its beautiful parks, reading, listening to music, going to spin and pilates classes, or just hanging out with friends around campus. She can't wait to to meet you all and help make a successful UCBMUN XXIX alongside the rest of secretariat!

Nastaasia Haq

Chief of Staff, External

Nastaasia (she/her/hers) is a sophomore from Lahore, Pakistan, studying Chemical Engineering, though she is seriously considering switching to the pre-med track. Having participated in Model UN since the eighth grade, she is a self-proclaimed "professional yapper". Apart from UCBMUN, you can find her learning Bollywood dance routines all over campus or talking everybody's ear off about her unhealthy obsession with axolotls. She is a massive fan of cricket (always supporting Pakistan) and can often be found stressing out during the last few overs of a match. Nastaasia is super excited to meet everyone and hopes to make this year’s UCBMUN the most memorable one yet!

Romi Lisboa

Chief of Staff, Internal

Romi (she/her/hers) is a sophomore at UC Berkeley majoring in English and Political Science. Originally from Torrance, California, Romi has come to love the vibrant atmosphere of Berkeley, though she cherishes her hometown and its beautiful beaches. She joined UCBMUN her freshman year to explore new activities at Cal and has fallen in love with staffing and competing ever since. Outside of MUN, Romi enjoys reading and writing short fiction, swimming, listening to a wide range of music (whether 60s/70s rock or musical theatre soundtracks), writing for The Daily Californian, and taking bike rides along the beach! Romi is incredibly excited to help make conference a fun experience for delegates and can’t wait to see what’s in store for UCBMUN XXIX!

Sameera Menon

USG of GA and Specialized Bodies

Sameera (she/her/hers) is a junior from Orange County, California majoring in Public Health. Sameera joined UCBMUN in an effort to expand her interests, and stayed for the community and worldly views it offers. Sameera’s perfect day starts with thrifting, followed by painting in a park and completed with a froyo run. Her current obsessions are: cherries, kitschy room decor, and making UCBMUN XXIX the best conference yet!

Audrey Watson

USG of Crisis

Audrey Watson (she/her/hers) is a second year at Cal studying Chemistry. Audrey is originally from Santa Cruz, California but surprisingly does not know how to surf. In high school she participated in MUN for 3 years and that is where she grew her love for political debate and pretending to solve world issues on the weekend. Audrey joined UCBMUN in her freshman year after looking for an outlet for her love of debate and she has loved learning about college MUN through her time staffing UCBMUN last year (shoutout to the T-series committee!). In her free time, you will probably find Audrey behind her camera taking photos for her portfolio or curled up with a blanket and a good book. She is so excited for what this UCBMUN has in store this year and she cannot wait to be your USG and have the best time!

Anushka Rajasekhar

USG of Crisis

Anushka (she/her) is a 2nd year here at Cal, from the Bay Area, majoring in Geophysics with a minor in Philosophy. She has been dabbling in MUN since middle school, and has loved the community and silliness that she has found with collegiate MUN. She is an absolute volcano enthusiast, and will engage in anything volcano, lava, or geology related (go nature). She is also pre-law and loves literature -- she will happily engage in any and all moral and legal debates. In her free time, Anushka loves to explore the outdoors, eat sugar, read philosophical literature (Kierkegaard fanatic), and endlessly make random playlists. She is super excited to be your USG of Crisis and make UCBMUN XXIX an enjoyable conference for all delegates!

Nicholas Carone

USG of Specialized Crisis

Nicholas is a sophomore from Los Angeles, majoring in political science. He joined UCBMUN in the Spring semester of his freshmen year to build upon his interests in public speaking and negotiations. Outside of UCBMUN he is involved with volunteering at local Berkeley food pantries, coaching youth basketball, or Berkeley's Greek Life. For hobbies, Nick can be found hooping on a basketball court, rolling on a jiu-jitsu mat, or watching way too long YouTube video essays. Nick looks forward to meeting all of the amazing delegates that makes UCBMUN what it is on what will be a special weekend.

Jomari Encarnacion

Director of Business Relations

Jomari Encarnacion (she/her) is a senior at UC Berkeley from Orange County, majoring in Political Science and minoring in History. Since high school, Jomari has always been invested in public speaking and exploring social and political topics through her extracurriculars, which is why she decided to join UC Berkeley's MUN team. In high school, she was a part of the YMCA Youth and Government and mock trial club, while at her community college, she joined the Speech and Debate team. Outside of MUN, she enjoys reading, vinyl collecting, binge-watching movies (mostly really bad rom-coms), and cooking. She is enthusiastic to see everyone at UCBMUN this year and is glad to be your UCBMUN's Director of Business Relations!

Sam Wang

Director of Technology

Sam Wang (he/him/his) is a second-year at UC Berkeley majoring in computer science. He is originally from Claremont, California (home of the Claremont Colleges). Sam joined UCBMUN his freshman year, hoping to continue his public speaking arc from high school speech and debate. He’s now involved in the club as a competitive delegate, BearMUN staffer, and UCBMUN Secretariat member. Being a rare CS major in Model UN, Sam hopes to contribute his technical skills through the Director of Technology role. Outside of MUN, Sam is passionate about education reform and improving student outcomes, working as a researcher in the School of Education and a college admissions mentor. He also loves playing violin, partaking in community service, and writing for the university paper. Sam is incredibly excited to be one of your Directors of Technology and to meet all of you!

Maanas Shah

Director of Technology

Maanas (he/him/his) is a third-year from Pleasanton, California majoring in Computer Science with minors in Physics and Data Science. This is his 9th year in MUN, having competed at conferences since 6th grade, and over the years it has grown to be one of his most favorite passions and he's glad to have the chance to continue his journey with his friends in UCBMUN! Outside of MUN, Maanas loves both playing and designing board games and video games; from quick 30 minute party games to massive day-long strategy marathons, he'll take any chance he can get to wrangle his friends into his latest unwise financial decision. Feel free to email Maanas at if want to share anything gaming related, from having an interest in game design principles, to just being interested in some recommendations, or simply just to have a chat!